
Another canton

Appenzell IR introduces plastic collection

High quality through monitoring

Quality assurance promotes the circular economy

Since 2019, the VSPR has been working in accordance with the Charter for Plastic Recycling in Switzerland. The charter defines the key requirements for the collection and recycling of plastic waste from Swiss households. Compliance with the charter guarantees and ensures the sustainability of plastic recycling in Switzerland. It promotes recycling where it makes ecological and economic sense and ensures that added value is created for society in the area of environmental and climate protection.

VSPR Charter sets environmental standards

High environmental standards

The charter is based on high environmental standards and calls for the best available technologies in order to achieve the goals of sustainability and a high-quality circular economy. The aim is also to achieve high recycling quality and a continuous improvement in the recycling rate.

Transparency via material feet

Based on the charter, the association therefore operates a monitoring system for plastic collections. This sets the high quality standards and checks compliance with them as part of regular audits by an external inspection body. This gives consumers certainty as to how much of their collected plastic is being recycled.

  • High quality standards

  • External control

  • Regular audits


Monitoring ensures that there is transparency at all times regarding material flows, quality and financing. A public monitoring report is produced annually from the monitoring, which shows the status of plastics recycling in Switzerland.

"dss+", the independent and external control body of the VSPR, collects, checks and consolidates the collection and treatment data of each licensee annually and prepares it for the monitoring report. In addition to the data collection, an audit of each licensee and their practitioner is carried out every two years.