Another canton
Appenzell IR introduces plastic collection
Uniform collection
The success story of plastics collection is based on good cooperation with the municipalities, cantons, special-purpose associations, retailers and regional collection and logistics partners. The collection of the eight collection systems is standardized, is based on the same quality criteria, is transparent and is financed according to the polluter-pays principle. The material flows are clearly documented by an external control body, are transparent and can be traced at any time.
Protect the climate
Those who collect their household plastics make an important contribution to conserving valuable resources and reducing emissions. For every kg of plastic that is recycled instead of incinerated, 2.83 kg of CO2 is saved. At the same time, the use of 1 kilogram of regranulate from plastic waste can save 3 liters of crude oil compared to new material.
Eight system operators
The more than 900 municipalities and special-purpose associations that already collect household plastics are managed by the following eight VSPR system operators:
- A-Region – KUH-Bag
- ELREC AG – Supersack
- InnoRecycling AG – Sammelsack
- Kunststoffsammelsack Schweiz GmbH – Kunststoffsammelsack
- Migros-Genossenschaft-Bund – Migros-Sack
- Recycling, Entsorgung, Abwasser, Luzern (real) – real-Sack
- Verband KVA Thurgau – KUH-Bag
- Zweckverband Abfallverwertung Bazenheid (ZAB) - KUH-Bag