Recycling concept for silage films

Clean agriculture

Silage films, underlay films, round bale nets or baler twine - around 6,500 tons of plastic products are used in agriculture every year and end up in thermal recycling or, even worse, are left on the fields and end up as microplastic.

Plastics recycling in the agricultural sector

Take-back and recycling concept

To ensure that crop films do not harm the environment, ERDE Switzerland joined forces with various stakeholders from the agricultural sector to take the initiative for climate and environmental protection and developed a take-back and recycling concept for crop plastics that actively contributes to sustainable agriculture and resource-conserving work. For the farmer, it is cheaper, closer and more ecological to recycle the polyethylene silage films than to incinerate them.

Silage film as a secondary raw material

Silage film can be sorted by type and is found in large quantities, which makes recycling worthwhile. The secondary raw material is used to make new plastic products, such as garbage bags or film.